Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Cats with Thumbs

My cat has been asking for a thumb for a long time.
It helps with the pop-top cans of cat fud... er, food.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Bunny

A sketch I did of Louie (the cat) a year or so ago.

He's dressed as a the Easter Bunny.
He's dressed as Santa Claus.

He has a mouse yo-yo.

He is a clever cat.

He does stand up like a Meerkat too.
When he was a kitten, he and his sister would run through the kitchen like Jesus lizards.
His sister, Cozy, sits up in front of the wall furnace in the perfect Lucky Kitty pose, one arm stretched out in front toward the furnace, the left arm reaching high in the air above her.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Personal Anchor

Here is a sketch I did a year or so ago.
(Very Thurber-esque I must say.)
It's been windy here again. 45 mph wind gusts. Just steady wind all day and all night.
So that reminded me of this sketch.
A Personal Anchor attached to your belt. There is a "Up" and "Down" button on the control panel.
So you don't blow away in this turbulent time...