Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sketchbook and Pentel Pens

We keep a small steno pad in the car to write down ideas. Or the names of people we hear on NPR.
And while we're waiting at the bank or at a Sonic Drive-In, we can make sketches.
This is one from February.

This is my favorite pen. I buy them in 4-packs at Staples. It's a Pentel EnerGel 0.5mm. I like them with caps instead retractable. I like the caps because it's old school, one step up from quill and ink bottles. (And if I have to let a customer borrow it, I hang onto the cap so they have to give it back!)
The writing is smooth. The sketching power is great. (I used to use the 1.0mm but it gets a little fat for everyday writing and order taking.)
So that's my secret.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Milton Glaser

"What paintings do, and what theater does, and what poetry does, is to penetrate people's immunity and to embrace the puzzles to be solved. That's what I mean by the phrase 'moving the mind'." --Milton Glaser

Found a book today at the library titled "Drawing is Thinking" by Milton Glaser.
Looking at the cover, it looks like a ponderous book art essays.
But flip through it back to front (like I like to do) you find that it is all art and no captions (for the most part).
What a delightful surprise!
(There is an introduction and an interview at the beginning. Plus an index of the art in the back in case you want to know what year each painting was done.)

I like it.
